Every year on Memorial Weekend, there’s a surge of Muslim families driving down to the the ICNA Convention. (You’re probably one of them. Its okay, you can admit it.) This is one of those massive events where you’ll see amazing scholars and role models, hear moving lectures, munch on halal food and of course, shop at a gigantic bazar. Its like one giant reunion of families, old friends and long lost acquaintances. Its always a memorable weekend and this year, it was even more so.
I arrived in Baltimore at the Convention Center and took in the sights. The sun was shining, the city was glimmering and there were Muslims everywhere. Of course, we got there on Desi Standard Time – the morning sessions were about to end and it was lunch time.
“When there’s no hope of catching a lecture, just dwaddle in the bazar.” That was my motto. So when I first set foot there, I was shocked. The vendors and nonprofit organizations actually looked cool and inviting. Their marketing and branding stood out. I just had to take pictures of this epic moment.